Volume 12, Issue 37 (10-2009)                   jha 2009, 12(37): 57-64 | Back to browse issues page

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Poorhadi S, Kamali M, Khalesi N, Akbarfahimi M. Determining Motivating Power of Rehabilitation Area Jobs at Welfare (Behzisti) Centers in Tehran Province, based on Motivating Potential Score Iran. jha 2009; 12 (37) :57-64
URL: http://jha.iums.ac.ir/article-1-480-en.html
Abstract:   (7786 Views)

Introduction: The motivation in human resources is very influencial in achieving the organizational goals. Some of the recent management theoreticians believe that the work itself can have a strong influence on motivation, satisfaction and productivity of the employees. This study was aimed to determining present motivating power of the occupations in order to have a job diagnostic survey on the jobs existing in the rehabilitation zone of the welfare centers. 

Methods: This study is a descriptive-analytic study carried out at welfare centers in Tehran province. Research population is employees of rehabilitation area. which work in governmental daily welfare centers of Tehran province selected by census. Data are collected by a questionnaire, and analyzed using SPSS software and presented as descriptive statistic and one sample t-test comparing.

Results: There were no relation found between the demographic aspects such as age, gender, job experiences, marital status, educational degree and the type of employment with motivating potential score and its subscales. The dimensions mean of each job were as followed: skill variety 3.62±0.70, task identity 3.96±0.67, task significance 4.03±0.70, autonomy 4.03±0.73, feedback 3.35±0.53 and motivating potential score was 49.90±19.32.The jobs in the rehabilitation jobs have skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy and motivating potential, and there is no feedback. (p<0.05).

Conclusion: Job designing intrinsically motivates the employees except for the feedback subscale.

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Type of Study: Research |
Received: 2009/12/20 | Published: 2009/10/15

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