Guides for Reviewers
1.Article Review Guide
Click the download link to access the review guide.
2.Peer Review Process Guide in the Health Management Journal
Online editing system is designed to facilitate article review
The procedure for reviewers are as follows:
- Registering the reviewers as users
- Providing access to reviewers and specify their specialties
- Assigning manuscript and sending review invitations
Reviewers should:
- Log into their accounts using their usernames and passwords
- Accept review invitation and download the manuscript
- Review the manuscript
Registering the reviewers as the user
Note: it is done by the reviewer or the site administrator
Reviewers should first register in the website and fill out the form available at:
Providing access to reviewers and specify their specialties
Note: it is done by the website administrator
When the reviewers register, the website administrator provides access to the reviewers and determines their specialties.
Assigning manuscript and sending review invitations
Note: it is done by the website administrator
After assigning the reviewer, the administrator emails a review invitations
Reviewers should:
Use their usernames and passwords on the main page to log into their accounts
Remember: using “automatic logging-in”, the reviewers are automatically directed to their accounts
Password recovery:
If a wrong password is used, the reviewers are directed to another page where they can request a new password via their emails.
Link for resetting passwords:
Accepting review invitation and downloading the manuscript
Use the tabs to navigate to the reviewers’ and other different sections of the journal
Review the manuscripts
There are three types of manuscripts in reviewers’ section:
- New manuscripts
Include newly added manuscripts. The reviewers can decline the review request or accept and continue to the next step, i.e., fill out a review form
Clicking on the file

, the reviewers can download the manuscript and start review via the

button. The abstracts and review forms are available on this page. Clicking the

button, the reviewers decline the review request.
Note: The information can be saved and completed later on
2-Under review
Includes manuscripts which are still under review. They can be reviewed again and changes can be made if needed.
3-Reviewed manuscripts
When the reviewers submit their comments, the editor- in- chief can see the comments. At this stage, the comments cannot be changed.
Review certificates
Reviewer certificates appear in this section