Volume 11, Issue 31 (4-2008)                   jha 2008, 11(31): 7-16 | Back to browse issues page

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Ebadi Azar F, Kahooei M, Soleimani M, Ghazavi S, Ghods A, Alaei S et al . The impact of hospital information computerized network on clinical departments curative services personnel.(Semnan University of Medical Sciences-Amir Al-Momenin hospital) . jha 2008; 11 (31) :7-16
URL: http://jha.iums.ac.ir/article-1-147-en.html
Abstract:   (11743 Views)

Introductions: Correct usage of hospital information computerized net work and its acceptance by health care personnel could lead to improvement the quality of health care and curative services and reduces their cos.t In this research the impact of hospital information computerized network on clinical departments curative services personals have been studied. 

Methods: In this descriptive-analytical study, the impact of the hospital information computerized network on some of the health care activities, behavior situations, patients satisfactions, and the point of the view of 120 of the nurses, auxiliary nurses, and secretaries of outpatient departments and Semnan’s Amir al-Momenin teaching hospital during 1385 -1386(2005-2006) has been reviewed. Data collecting tools were questioners, which have been used after approved for validity and reliability. After distributions the questioners among personnel with more than three years job experience. Collected data have been evaluated by descriptive and inferential method with considering ?= 5% for significance.

Results: Most of the personnel (80%) work with their departments, computers daily. Most of nurses neglected to register their daily report to avoid duplication. Fifty five per cents of personnel were agreed with availability of correct information, 15% for improvement of curative outcomes because using computerized information system, and 45.8% for job errors reduction, 28% for better supervision for patients’ curative period, 50% of personnel believed that computerized information system caused the easier way to evaluate the patients drug administration, 20 % of personnel agreed that evaluation of patient’s problem is much easier. In total, 52 personnel have been satisfied as the result of the impact of hospital information computerized net work on HIS method and very few of them (4 people) had absolute satisfactions. There were a significant relation between the personnel satisfaction for the impact of patient’s curative and care and patients, satisfaction for user friendly system and curative department type(ρ <0.05).

Conclusions: We concluded that less than half of the personnel in clinical department were almost relatively satisfied by impact of the hospital information computerized network system. To be more effective the hospital information system on patient’s healthcare process, the system should be coordinated with a dynamic care process for patients, so that using the hardware such as palms, notebooks, and portable computers, and also soft ware designed to recognized voices to ease data entry in clinical departments and providing legal approaches to avoid the duplication in nurses daily activities are suggested .

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Type of Study: Research |
Received: 2008/11/1 | Published: 2008/04/15

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