Volume 8, Issue 19 (4-2005)                   jha 2005, 8(19): 45-49 | Back to browse issues page

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Karimi I, Zohoor A, Vianchi A. Comparative Study of Cost- Effectiveness of Dialysis and kidney Transplant a from Using Dali index, at Shahid Hasheminejad Hospital. jha 2005; 8 (19) :45-49
URL: http://jha.iums.ac.ir/article-1-101-en.html
Abstract:   (11612 Views)

Introduction: Long-term hemo dialysis and kidney transplantations are the most common treatment for kidney failure. Regarding the increasing demand of these patients to receive therapeutic services, cost-effectiveness of these methods are compared. 

Methods: This Cross-Sectional research was done to compare cost- effectiveness of long - term hemo dialysis and kidney transplant using Dali index and patients' medical records. Research population are kidney patients referring to Shahid Hasherminejad Hospital in 1378.

Findings: In this survey expenses of the year 1378 were tallied. Findings show that kidney transplantation expenses were 38% and 18.5% of long - term hemo dialysis for male and female patients, respectively. In Dali Scale, effectiveness of kidney transplantation was 7 times more than long-term hemo dialysis. Overall, cost - effectiveness of kidney transplantation is 8 times more than hemo dialysis.

 Results: The average costs of the treatment period in chronic dialysis method is four times more than kidney transplantation. Effectiveness according to Dali index , in kidney transplantation method for patients up to 54 years of age is more than chronic dialysis method. In comparing costs, transplantation method for all comparable age groups effectiveness of is 3 to 14 times more than dialysis method.

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Type of Study: Research |
Received: 2008/08/10 | Published: 2005/04/15

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