Volume 10, Issue 29 (10-2007)                   jha 2007, 10(29): 37-44 | Back to browse issues page

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Nekoei Moghadam M, Beheshtifar M, Shokoh Saljoghi Z. Determining correlation between management styles and administrators' duties in Kerman University of Medical Sciences. jha 2007; 10 (29) :37-44
URL: http://jha.iums.ac.ir/article-1-50-en.html
Abstract:   (12579 Views)

Introduction: One of the most effective factors on increasing effectiveness, efficacy and ultimately productivity, is the organizational manager styles. Due to every organization has unique condition it needed and its own management skills, managers' knowledge of the patterns and management theories, makes their job much easier and causes their organizations successes. Main objective of this study is finding different methods of the management in teaching and non teaching administrators in Kerman University of Medical sciences in different levels and their duties (planning, organizing, controlling). 

Methods: This is an applied study carried out as cross-sectional analytic method. The research population is all the high level and intermediate administrators. Tools of collecting data were two questionnaires: questionnaire Achecked the Fiddler methods and questionnaire B checked manager's performances. After evaluating validity and reliability those two questioners they were distributed among University's administrators. Data analysis was done as descriptive(frequencies, means, and standard deviations)and analytic(one way analysis of variances, regressions, Toki HSD test, Duncan, and Pearson's correlation and Spearman tests) using SPSS software.

Results: About almost 49% of administrators in planning, and 48% of them in organizing, judged in upper level, and 40% in the medium level. Other finding showed that between their styles (duties oriented and relation oriented) and planning, organizing, and control there was significant correlations. Also between the mean of administrators control in different age groups and different years of services and levels of the their experiences there were meaning differences. Conclusions:According to our findings the duty oriented and relation oriented administrators both have good performances in planning and determining organizational goals. Also our findings showed that with a suitable organizational managing style in , duties could be arranged to improve organizations' performances. That means , the more managers' style are coordinated with the facts and needs of subordinate people, the more accomplish such as planning, organizing, and controlling, would achieved by administrators. Because management is a relation between control and influence, both duties oriented and relation oriented administrators are assure to achieve their goals.

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Type of Study: Research |
Received: 2008/05/13 | Published: 2007/10/15

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