Volume 13, Issue 42 (1-2011)                   jha 2011, 13(42): 35-44 | Back to browse issues page

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Farahbakhsh M., Nikniaz A.R, Tajaddini N, Entezar S., Hasanzade A.R.. Comparing Total Quality Management (TQM)and Management Effectiveness Program (MEP) in Improving of Health Facilities Management. jha 2011; 13 (42) :35-44
URL: http://jha.iums.ac.ir/article-1-765-en.html
Abstract:   (10624 Views)

Introduction: Quality management through human resource active participation play a key role to pass over the limited resources, demographic and epidemiologic changes, globalization and advanced technologies challenges in health systems. Different approaches are used to improve services quality in health systems. This study was aimed to compare two human resources empowerment approaches in Eastern Azerbaijan. 

Methods: In this analytic study we review two groups: for TQM group 6 hospitals, 3 colleges, and 2 policies making offices and for MEP group were 2 hospitals, 1 college and 1 policy making office. Both groups start with quality principles. After two years MEP group continued with MEP but other group continued in previous approach. The change in management style from staff views in comparison of 5 years ago were studied with specific questionnaire, by 10 points scores. Data analyzed by SPSS 16 software, and are presented as means and changes for a 5 year interval. 

Results: There were improved leadership scores 0.7 and 1.03 units respectively in MEP and TQM groups. These figures in planning were 1.12, and 1.76, in Costumer Management (CM) 1 and 1.48, in Human Resource Management (HRM) 0.9 and 1.46, in information management 1.05 and 1.32, in process management 1 and 1.36 respectively. The differences in HRM, planning and CM are statistically significant.

Discussion: Using one innovative and uniform approach is better than various methods.

Keywords: TQM, MEP, Health System
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Type of Study: Research |
Received: 2011/04/3 | Accepted: 2014/05/26 | Published: 2014/05/26

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