Volume 10, Issue 30 (1-2008)                   jha 2008, 10(30): 51-58 | Back to browse issues page

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Horri A, Qazi-Mirsaeed S. Internal factors influences on medical librarian and informatics communicator attitudes on their future professional placement. jha 2008; 10 (30) :51-58
URL: http://jha.iums.ac.ir/article-1-60-en.html
Abstract:   (7649 Views)

Introduction: Beginning the 21century, and the 3th Millennium new roles and scales, bring the idea of the world unity in which followed the net work philosophy. It has been known as a greatest challenge for librarians and information communicator, the challenge that deserved a profound attention and multifaceted study. The present research reviewed the internal factors influences on medical librarian and informatics communicator attitudes in their future professional placement. 

Methods: Present research is a descriptive study, and the studied community is the all librarians and information communicators in medical science areas in Iran. Questioners have been used to collect data. These questioners have two main parts, and an additional section was added for personal information. After examining its validity and reliability, the questioner has been distributed among 1368 individuals, for these amounts 1001 answered them. In statistical calculations which included frequencies distribution, means, percent of distribution indices, correlation coefficient, and binomial tests, SPSS software has been used and the results using the descriptive statistics presents in tables.

Results: Finding data showed that among 1001 individual who answered the questioners, 462 of them had librarianship educations. Also average that calculated of importance to internal factors and their influences were 4.13 and 4.18 comparing to 5. In consideration of the Internal factors influences on medical librarian and informatics communicator attitudes in their future professional placement it showed that except one case, there were significant and positive relation among other factors (P<0.001) it means that increasing each of factors has a positive influence on individuals' attitude toward their position in their future profession. Only the first factor: the pre-professional factor did not exist. It is clear that librarian and informatics communicator are completely aware toward the future of their profession and try to cope with the condition.

Conclusion:To provide a suitable condition to achieve librarian cope with the new conditions, it is needed to review the administrative organization structure in this profession.

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Type of Study: Research |
Received: 2008/05/14 | Published: 2008/01/15

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