Volume 13, Issue 39 (4-2010)                   jha 2010, 13(39): 79-88 | Back to browse issues page

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Mirghafoori S, Farhang Nejad M, Sadeghi Arani Z. Performance Evaluation of Yazd's Health Sector on Applying Knowledge Management Process. jha 2010; 13 (39) :79-88
URL: http://jha.iums.ac.ir/article-1-593-en.html
Abstract:   (11163 Views)

Introduction: Nowadays, knowledge is most important impressed factor of health and medical sector's output. So recognizing and implementing knowledge management in health and medical sector is a powerful tool to represent preferred services to customers. Therefore, the purpose of this article was to evaluate knowledge management process dimensions in Yazd's health and medical sector. 

Methods: The population in this descriptive-analytic study is Yazd hospital's staff with upper secondary school degree. After studying knowledge management process, we designed a questionnaire in 6 parts to collecting data. For data analyzing we utilized SPSS software package and used t’ student, ANOVA and Turkey tests. 

Results: Knowledge management process with average of 2.85 is lower than average limit, but knowledge management using with average of 3.14 has a best performance. A significant difference is found between knowledge management dimensions. Comparing between knowledge management process dimensions didn't show any difference between knowledge strategy and knowledge retention average (рValue =0.916), knowledge creating and knowledge retention average (рvalue=0.407), or knowledge sharing and knowledge evaluation average (рvalue=0.601). Other paired comparisons have shown significance difference. With regard to average-based ranking, knowledge using with average of 3.14 is in first and knowledge evaluation with average of 2.59 placed in end of this average based categorized. 

Conclusion: Knowledge using is in ideal level between knowledge management dimensions in Yazd's health and medical sector but other dimensions aren't in ideal level. A significant difference found between knowledge management dimensions.

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Type of Study: Research |
Received: 2010/06/8 | Published: 2010/04/15

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