Volume 13, Issue 39 (4-2010)                   jha 2010, 13(39): 7-16 | Back to browse issues page

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Talachi H, Zarei M. The Survey of Information Pollution in Selected Medical Databases from Mashhad University of Medical Science Faculty View. jha 2010; 13 (39) :7-16
URL: http://jha.iums.ac.ir/article-1-578-en.html
Abstract:   (11253 Views)

Introduction: Taking into consideration the increasing usage of scientific databases in science production, university faculty's increasing engagement in the process and concerns about the potentially dubious nature of information sources, specially electronic ones, the topic information pollution phenomenon the, in Mashad university of medical science databases has been chosen as a proposition worthy scrutiny and during the present survey is measured.

Methods: The following comparison of the databases is bases on the 10 elements of information pollution introduced in this study according to the literature review. The current research is concerned with whether the 4 selected databases, Scopus, Pubmed, Iranmedex and Pars Medline, is accompanied by each 10 pollutant rather qualitative content. The sample was obtained comprising 100 article abstract retrieved from mentioned databases during 5 subject searches. 5 topics include Heart, Nephrology, Romathology, Immunology, pediatrics. 2 questionnaires have been used to fulfill the survey, first to identify subject areas, second to measure information pollutants elements in databases from the faculty's point of view.

Results: Research results suggest that bibliographic information in Scopus indicate 53%, in Pubmed 38%, in Iranmedex 47% and in Pars Medline 48% pollution. In the second part of the survey content pollution were evaluated. Scopus, Pubmed, Iranmedex and Pars Medline abstract content sequentially accompany 40%, 51%, 49%, 48% pollution. In analyzing keyword pollution 66% pollution for Scopus and 29% pollution for Iranmedex were assessed. The style adopted by databases also encircles information pollutants to different extents. This extent is varied from 39% in Pars Medline to 30% in pubmed, 38% in Scopus and 35% in iranmedex.

Conclusion: The outcomes of the present research propose Iranmedex and Parsmedlin database to inspire from abstracting structure in Scopus in the field of preparing citations, abstract goals, results and conclusions, irony avoidance, quicker up-to-data- ness, selecting more credible literature from more credible producer and published by more credible leaflet and Ingratiate Pubmed structure in offering complete identification of author, writer, compiler …, preparing information about research goals, presenting comprehensive information in abstract parts whether bibliographic or content, preventing from censorship and irony, exhibiting more relevant and of proper length abstracts.

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Type of Study: Research |
Received: 2010/06/8 | Published: 2010/04/15

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