Volume 10, Issue 30 (1-2008)                   jha 2008, 10(30): 21-24 | Back to browse issues page

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Gorji A, Sadoughi F, Asgari F. A Comparative study on the job description of medical record professional in selected countries and submit a model. jha 2008; 10 (30) :21-24
URL: http://jha.iums.ac.ir/article-1-55-en.html
Abstract:   (112522 Views)

Introduction: Organization, given that is a dynamic, flexible social phenomenon, which constantly changes. Therefore, categorizing plan of jobs would not be a stable phenomenon. Therefore, because the content of job alters with technical advances, it had better to examine specially at the time of an annual assessment, the job description. In addition, the chief of medical records unit should, as possible as, predicate future changes. Methods: The present paper is a practical descriptive-analogical research, so that the researcher comprised available job descriptions structures of "Health Information Management Associations" by checklist fully. Then, the draft was designed based on that analogy, put on the table to be criticized by medical records experts. finally, the last proposal designee would be offered.

Results: Job descriptions written by American Health Information Management enjoy the structure consists of job title, direct supervisor, main goal, responsibilities and competency. While Australian Health Information Association presents job descriptions comprising job code and class, unit name and supervisors as well as competency, and necessity conditions, and even times of work and rest. This association maintains to record performance indexes at the form of job description. Job description form, in Canadian Health Information Management Association is presented as assessment form of staffs, stating responsibility schedules and separated from job specification form.

Conclusion: During double-stage screening of final draft, the researcher came to result that the job description form must include five dimensions as job title, its goal, its responsibilities, performance indexes, and job specification. The authorities believe that these features has the importance of 88%,82%,88%,87% ,91% , respectively.

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Type of Study: Research |
Received: 2008/05/13 | Published: 2008/01/15

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