Volume 10, Issue 30 (1-2008)                   jha 2008, 10(30): 15-20 | Back to browse issues page

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Karami M. Application of data-mining and text-mining analyzer tools in agility on healthcare organizations. jha 2008; 10 (30) :15-20
URL: http://jha.iums.ac.ir/article-1-54-en.html
Abstract:   (13119 Views)

Introduction: The word agility identified the speed and the power of responses during facing with organization internal and external matters. The health care organizations must be agile like any other organization in today fast speeding world, because being agile is an additional advantage in the competitive world. In this paper the organizations' agility, data mining, text mining, and the role of all these tools that may have provide the knowledge and the move of the healthcare organizations toward the agility, will be preceded. 

Literature review: Specialist in the Spinal Disorders Hospital in south California in Los Angeles use data mining process to discover different factors affecting on success or failure of the spinal surgeries operations causing improvement in health care. And also the financial organization for healthcare and Medicare and Medicaid using Text- mining and Data-mining to discover any fraud or misuses in insurances and different type of the health care operations. 

Conclusion: Information is the most important tool in the management. Converting information to the knowledge has a key role in moving organizations toward agility. By using the analytical tools in organizations, the new knowledge in medical field on top of the information about the processes, patterns, and treatment results to upgrades the quality of the health care, could be achieved, and by passing information about weakness and strength points, the threat, the opportunities and technology changes to managers, they could be able to plan toward the agility.

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Type of Study: Letter to Editor |
Received: 2008/05/13 | Published: 2008/01/15

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