Volume 12, Issue 36 (7-2009)                   jha 2009, 12(36): 53-60 | Back to browse issues page

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Alibeyk M, Rustaazad L. The Evaluation of Scientific Outputs of Assistant and Associate Professors, Medicine School of IUMS, Through Hirsch Index 2008 . jha 2009; 12 (36) :53-60
URL: http://jha.iums.ac.ir/article-1-424-en.html
Abstract:   (9715 Views)

Introduction: One of the most important methods for evaluation of scientific outputs of researchers and research centers is using of Hirsch index .From the benefits of this index, is evaluating both quantity and quality of scientific outputs., This research was aimed to calculate, Hirsch index, for assistants, and Associate professor of medicine school, IUMS.

 Methods: This is an applied and descriptive research. Research community consists of 101 of assist- ant and Associate professor of medical school. According to the Hirsch formula, resource of main data for research, are the number of articles, and citations to each articles obtained through the search in under web citation index, web of science, Scopus and Google scholar. With combination of obtained data for every person, Hirsch index data for everyone are calculated. For determination of Hirsch index frequency distribution gathered with personal items and for data analysis, SPSS software had used.

Results: The mean Hirsch index for all persons was 2.76 for assistants higher than for professor assist- ant, in Basic Sciences higher than clinical sciences and for men higher than women. None of women have the Hirsch index more than 6 nevertheless, %10.2 of men had more than 6. The highest Hirsch index belongs to a nephrologist and the Hirsch index for 17 persons calculated equals with zero.

Conclusions: Assistants and professor assistants in terms of Hirsch index low levels. It seems that Hirsch index, is affected by factors such as, country, facilities, research budgets, number of researches, language, citation-publication pattern accessible rate had affected on Hirsch index, too.

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Type of Study: Research |
Received: 2009/10/4 | Published: 2009/07/15

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