Volume 8, Issue 22 (1-2006)                   jha 2006, 8(22): 47-54 | Back to browse issues page

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Raeissi P, Nasiri-Pour A, Karami S. Correlation between Emotional Intelligence and Kermanshah hospitals managers performance . jha 2006; 8 (22) :47-54
URL: http://jha.iums.ac.ir/article-1-345-en.html
Abstract:   (17048 Views)

 Introduction: psychologists believe that an individual success depends 20% on his Intelligence Quality (IQ) and 80% on his Emotional Intelligence (EQ). The relationship between EQ and efficiency of hospital managers has not been studied yet. To determine relationship between EQ and its five dimensions with efficiency of managers of Kermanshah's educational hospitals. 

Methods: This is a correlation - applied study. The studied population are 60 managers chosen from various management levels of Kermanshah educational hospitals. Data collection tool is a 33 questions using Shring questionnaire With Likert scale. Questionnaires were completed in self-answering method. Evaluating tools for managers' performance were annual evaluation forms, issued by Ministry Of Health. Data are presented by descriptive statistics indicators, and Pearson test.

Results: Subject managers in regards to EQ with gained mean 98/117 and 71/50 percent of total score were in strong to average status. In relation to dimensions of Emotional Intelligence, managers' skills on relation management and self management vector were strongest and weakest respectively. Managers' skills on self consciousness, social consciousness and self motivation vectors were in second, third and forth position. In relation to professional performance, managers with obtained mean score 88/22 and 80/20 percent of total score are in strong performance position. There was a significant positive correlation (r =0.0777) between managers, emotional intelligence and each of five dimensions of emotional intelligence and their professional performance.

Conclusion: Improvement in choosing hospital managers according their EQ skills, and training and upgrading EQ could improve their professional performance.

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Type of Study: Research |
Received: 2009/06/2 | Published: 2006/01/15

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