Volume 2, Issue 3 (7-1998)                   jha 1998, 2(3): 107-123 | Back to browse issues page

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Fesharaki M, Hoseini F, Hajavi A. Investigating viewpoints of instructors of BA medical records degree towards the syllabus (1994). jha 1998; 2 (3) :107-123
URL: http://jha.iums.ac.ir/article-1-241-en.html
Abstract:   (10987 Views)
The key role of medical records is thoroughly acknowledged in disseminating medical information for fulfilling important purposes such as medical education and research. Training programs in this degree must be continuously assessed according to the needs of it. This study investigates the viewpoints of instructors of core, main, special and training courses towards the syllabus of this degree. As a descriptive study, it has worked on instructors who have taught in one of the medical universities of Iran, Shahid Beheshti and Shiraz and have taught at least one of the core, main, special and training courses for a period of two semesters. Data were collected by a questionnaire prepared in five main sections and 28 sub-sections. 93% of the research group completed questionnaires. The results showed that undergraduates of medical records were mainly responsible for the training in this degree (63.7 %). This confirms training of graduates in medical records pedagogy in order to gather a group of academic members together for this degree. Most instructors of special courses believed that the content for the subjects of these courses were insignificant. Thus they were in an urgent need to be reconsidered. Training courses, either their content or number of credits, needed as well to be revised. Instructors proposed that the number of credits for "managing medical records course" be increased and a new course entitled "statistical analysis of information in medical records" be added to the curriculum. In order to obtain proper results from this study, it was proposed that a reasonable letter be necessarily written to the supreme council for planning about the courses which need reconsideration or the necessity of adding some new courses including suggestions for appropriate subjects.
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Type of Study: Research |
Received: 2008/11/12 | Published: 1998/07/15

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