Volume 2, Issue 2 (4-1998)                   jha 1998, 2(2): 15-30 | Back to browse issues page

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Hamidi Y. Investigating methods of application of comprehensive quality management and stages of designing appropriate pattern in hospitals of Hamedan University of medical sciences. jha 1998; 2 (2) :15-30
URL: http://jha.iums.ac.ir/article-1-234-en.html
Abstract:   (15580 Views)
How can we reduce the hospital costs? How can we satisfy the customers? How can we improve the efficiency of hospital services? These questions do always occupy the minds of programmers and decision makers in health care organizations. They attempt to provide an appropriate answer to the above questions through designing patterns, strategies and different models. To this end, Hamedan university of medical sciences established a group entitled management committee (this committee was then renamed as quality enhancement committee) composed of some university officials and dynamic academic members having relevant specialties and tried to attain a proper pattern in order to solve the health-related problems especially in hospitals. Afterwards, this committee selected thorough quality management (TQM) model as the proper strategy for enhancing the quality and efficiency of hospitals through necessary investigations, studies and discussions with WHO experts and considering available experiences in managing hospital affairs. They applied this model as the appropriate model and strategy in accordance with the conditions prevalent in health care organizations. This article explains the affairs carried out in this committee, applying TQM model in hospitals and the results of projects done. Finally, TQM model will be applied in solving the problems via drawing a flowchart in one of the trials experienced in hospital.
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Type of Study: Research |
Received: 2008/11/12 | Published: 1998/04/15

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