Hajavi A, Tourani S, Hosseini F, Moetaghedmand A. Efficacy level of education in medical records: the viewpoints of graduates employed in training and treatment centers in Shiraz and Isfahan (1997). jha 2000; 3 (7) :25-32
Abstract: (10438 Views)
The present study aims to investigate the level of efficacy of university educations from the viewpoints of graduates employed in training and treatment centers. It is a descriptive study and data are collected using questionnaires distributed among respondents and also via the presence of researcher among respondents. Data were analyzed by different tables. Subjects of study were graduates of Kardani (who had passed two years of higher education) and bachelors employed in training and treatment centers. Subjects were 51. The results of study showed that:
1. Most individuals were moderately aware of their occupations at first (64%) and increased their awareness after some experiences in their occupations (94%). This increase displays that trainings during educational period is very important, and that trainings must be more rich and informative.
2. Most respondents stipulated that for the courses they have passed, they did not have suitable curriculum resource (59%), so there must be an endeavor to supply these resources.
3. Some of the courses were highly efficient and should be more developed and informative. These courses are: physiology and anatomy, general medicine, medical records, pharmacy, medical expressions, encoding in patients, and apprenticeship
Type of Study:
Research |
Received: 2008/11/12 | Published: 2000/10/15