Volume 4, Issue 10 (10-2001)                   jha 2001, 4(10): 29-36 | Back to browse issues page

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Asadi Gorgani F, Talebiyan A, Aliramezani H. A Comparative Study on the Usage Degree of Vancouver Style and ISO-Standards of the Specialized Doctoral Theses of KUMS. jha 2001; 4 (10) :29-36
URL: http://jha.iums.ac.ir/article-1-195-en.html
Abstract:   (8444 Views)
The objective of this research is to determine and compare the degree of the usage of Vancouver style and ISO Standards on the specialized doctoral theses of Kerman University of Medical Sciences. The collection of 205 theses under study, acquired from 1989 until June 2000 in the fields of orthopedics, pediatrics, anesthesiology, pathology, dermatology, general surgery, neurosurgery, ophthalmology, internal diseaes, radiology, psychiatry, gynecology, otOlaryngOlOgy, and neurology. The information was gathered by a check-list and the findings have been demonstrated in tables and diagrams. The research results show: - In all studied theses, the usage degree of Vancouver style is used(70.8%) and the ISO-Standards is (53.6%). - The usage degree of Vancouver style in Psychiatry theses (80.2%) and Neurology (77.9%) were
 - The usage degree of ISO-Standards in ophthalmology theses (57.7%) and Gynecology (57.1%) were more than the other fields. - In the "Methods" (76.7%) and "Conclusions" sections(75.3%) Vancouver style was used more than the other sections and the "Title Page" section(74.5%) have used ISO-Standards more than the other sections. The test of the research hypothesis showed that in specialized doctoral theses of Kerman University of Medical Sciences,there is a significant difference between Vancouver and With regard to the research findings, based on Vancouver style and ISO Standards, It is recommended that a national persian theses-writting standard should be compiled and selected for medical sciences universities all over the country.
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Type of Study: Research |
Received: 2008/11/10 | Published: 2001/10/15

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