Tabibi S, Hajavi A, Ranande Klanksh L. Comparative Study of the Curriculum in Master Degree of Medical Records (Health Information Management) in Several Selected Countries: and Modeling for Iran . jha 2001; 4 (10) :5-18
Abstract: (14190 Views)
This research has been done to study the M.S. Degree curriculum in medical records in several selected countries to present an appropriate model for Iran.
The research method was comparative and cross-sectional. The research population included universites offering M.S. degree in medical records in the U.S.A, Australia, u.K. and Iran. Sampling method was nonprobability sampling. Data was gathered by internet & e-mail.
Findings showed that the title of program was similar in Sydney & Scholastica universities. Ail of the programs had a course on research methodology. IUMS was the only university that had a course about training and in comparison with other universities was the only university that had no course about health information systems, management and organizaion. The curriculum model
was proposed for Iran. The view points of medical records specialists and educators showed that more than 60% of them agree with the proposed model.
The curriculum of M.S. degree in medical records in Iran was different in comparison with nther countuies. The model was proposed in order to improve the curriculum and to move Inward world changes.
Type of Study:
Research |
Received: 2008/11/10 | Published: 2001/10/15