Volume 6, Issue 14 (1-2004)                   jha 2004, 6(14): 43-52 | Back to browse issues page

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Ahmadi M, Zohoor A. The comparison of the procedure of the classification system of selected counties with Iran . jha 2004; 6 (14) :43-52
URL: http://jha.iums.ac.ir/article-1-171-en.html
Abstract:   (10451 Views)

Introduction: today, health care with desired quality, without one complete and effective procedure of the classification system it is impossible. In this system, the results of the care treatment will be registered in the patient's file with the standard codes. These codes are the basis of analysis the information for health care personnel, the investigators, policy - makers and the health - planners. Actually there is no one unique procedure of the classification system which can be used in the world, and is necessary that every country regarding to its goals, laws national. Interests and standards, considers to establish such a system. The main goal of this research is studying and comparing the national procedure of the classification - system in America, Australia , England, Canada, and northern, Europe countries (Denmark) Finland, Norway, Swede, Iceland) mean- while they have the best classification system in the whole world, they are compiled in English too. This research is dealing with a survey on the procedure of the classification system of our country too. Methodology: collecting information was made with library study, Internet and e.mail

Results: for the present time the ICD-IO-PCS system in America, ACHI-I in Australia, and NCSP in the northern euro countries are used and ICPM and ICD-G-CM systems are used in our Country for the procedure of the classification. In this research, while mentioning to the short history and the process of the promotion of these systems, the advantages and the constraints were alluded. Conclusion: Regarding to the constraints of the effectiveness of actual classification system of procedures in our country, the necessity of drafting one classification system of national procedure is perceived. This system can record the information with all details. The abilities of recording the information in this system must be planned in such a way that while regarding to the goals, laws, national interests and standards could correspond with the development of diagnostic and therapeutic technologies and presentation of the health - care in the meantime.

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Type of Study: Research |
Received: 2008/11/3 | Published: 2004/01/15

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