Volume 6, Issue 14 (1-2004)                   jha 2004, 6(14): 21-30 | Back to browse issues page

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Asadi F, Zohoor A. Comparison the history of Trauma Registry system in Developed countries with Iran: 2003 . jha 2004; 6 (14) :21-30
URL: http://jha.iums.ac.ir/article-1-169-en.html
Abstract:   (10934 Views)

Introduction:Today, Trauma is the most important public Health challenges. Trauma is the 4th cause of death at all age groups. in 2000,Trauma was caused 6 Million death in world as 3.8 Million un intentional injuries and 2.2 Million intentional injuries. Trauma death in 100 thousands is 99 in world and 58 in Iran. Complete and valid data and Trauma Registry system Can be useful in control, preventive and evaluation of effectiveness programs, quality improvement and quality assurance programs.In this investigation, the object is comparison the history of Trauma registry system in Developed countries with Iran: 2003 by description method. Data gathering is done by library, Internet and E-mail with Trauma Associations in world and American Surgeons College.

Literature review:Trauma registry has started in Developed countries more Than one decade. Trauma Registry is different and depends on the countries view. Trauma Registry is completed gradually. IN United States, it Started is uniform. Now, U.S has a National Trauma Registry system. Canada Trauma Registry started in 1992 at states and in 1993 at National level by health ministry. It includes Just inpatient Trauma data, the main object is participation in decrease of Trauma and mortality. In Germany (1992) and Australia (1994), it started Regionally.Now, these countries have a National Trauma Registry.In Iran, the First, Trauma Registry was started in Sina Research center. Then, the information of trauma patient collected in 6 hospitals that had the most Trauma patients, Now, Baghiatallah hospital and shahrdari , fire brigade and social Security organization register the information of Trauma patient.

Conclusion: Trauma Registry System has structure in developed countries. First it is started regional and expend at National level. there is not special structure to Regist the Trauma data. Research study is cross - sectional. Thus, designing the structured Trauma Registry system in Iran is suggested. For this reason, use of developed countries experiences to design the suitable model for Trauma Registry system will be useful.

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Type of Study: Research |
Received: 2008/11/3 | Published: 2004/01/15

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