Volume 18, Issue 59 (4-2015)                   jha 2015, 18(59): 92-105 | Back to browse issues page

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Alhoseyni almodaresi M, Ebrahimzade R, Abolghasemi M. Study the Impact of Types of Leadership on Talent Management (Case Study: Yazd Red Crescent Organization). jha 2015; 18 (59) :92-105
URL: http://jha.iums.ac.ir/article-1-1673-en.html
1- yazd uni
2- yazd uni , Rezapezeshki@stu.yazd.ac.ir
Abstract:   (8373 Views)
Introduction: Red Crescent Organization is as one of the most important NGOs that plays important roles in the field of crisis management. Effectiveness of this organization is depends on the role that assistance forces plays as human capital. In this regard, talent management is a complete collection of processes to identify, apply and manage people in order to successful implementation of business strategy. The main objective of this study is to evaluate the impact of different types of leadership on talent management and identify the most suitable species for the development and improvement of talent management.
This study is descriptive and functional, and was conducted with a single cross-sectional survey and fieldwork. Statistical population of this survey is Rescuers of the Red Crescent Yazd that was calculated based on a sample size, 246 persons were randomly selected and surveyed. In order to explain the relationship between variables, is used two questionnaire the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) Bass and Alive (1995) and Talent Management, that reliability has been checked through Cronbach's alpha and validity has been checked through the Content Validity. Data were analyzed through structural equation modeling with SMART-PLS software and t-test - Student was conducted in SPSS 18.
 Results: The results indicate the predominance of transformational leadership and then transactional leadership in this organization and reveal poor alignment, retention and talent development. On the other, based on the output of PLS method, transactional leadership has significantly and positively associated with all the components of the talent management process and transformational leadership has only a significant relationship with attracting process.
 Conclusions: Due to the significant and direct impact of transactional leadership on the talent management and also current situation prevailing in the organization, movement toward replacement transactional leadership instead of transformational leadership should be a priority and with improve it in addition of the increase efficiency and effectiveness of the organization, situation of talent management will be improve significantly.
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Type of Study: Review |
Received: 2014/08/5 | Accepted: 2015/02/4 | Published: 2015/03/25

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