Volume 6, Issue 14 (1-2004)                   jha 2004, 6(14): 2-12 | Back to browse issues page

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Sadughi F, Zohoor A. The comparison of the England's Status of cancer record with Iran. . jha 2004; 6 (14) :2-12
URL: http://jha.iums.ac.ir/article-1-167-en.html
Abstract:   (10957 Views)

Introduction: on the basis of the interpretation of the world health organization, in 2000 about 56 millions deaths had happened in the whole world. today, about 20 millions of the worlds population are suffering from a kind of cancer. Every year about 10miliions is added to this number, and 7 millions of them lose their lives. Collecting the creditable, comprehensive and opportume data of cancer, is a necessary condition to prove the prevention goals on the first ! second and third level in the health - care system of the country and the assessment of the preventive strategic and the propes planning. This research is made in 1382 for the comparison of the status of the cancer record in the developed countries with Iran.

A survey of the studies: in the developed countries cancer record had begun three centuries before, but its progress was very slow. The first cancers record center, like . today was established in Germany, but because of the lack of assistance of the doctors for sending the data to this center, it wasn't successful. In America, the cancer's record system based on the population, begun in 1935. The main goal of this system was the epidemiological inspections of cancers cases, improving the preventional method and case, and diminution of death. Subsequently, the first system of continuing and successfu I record which was based on the patients, begun in 1937. in this system! all doctors and pathology - centers were obliged to send the index card of cancer - record to the central statistics office. In England the regular and well - ordered system of cancer's Record was made from 1960 by regional centers. The data of these centers were gathered from various sources as: the hospitals, pathological laboratories, doctors, and the death - certificates. The information contains the demographic characteristics, referring place, the data of the diagnosis of the disease and its intensity, the patient care, the stage of the disease, cure, the clinical status and all details about diseases effects. The cancer record in Iran, begun in 1347, but the first Civil statistics was published in 1365, it means two years after the approved record law and the compulsory interpretation of cancer by the Islamic parliament of Iran. The general office of prevention and fithing with diseases which is superintendent to execute the menttoned law, had compiled the record and the interpretation of the cancers cases in 1371 and in 1379 had reviewed it. The sources of gathering the data collected today on the basis of this instruction are merely the pathology centers and the information includes demographic particularities of the patient, the name of the pathology and diagnosis of the disease.

conclusion: the data recorded in the cancer's record system in Iran is very defective and imperfect and is rather limited to the individual particularities of the patient and the acquaintance of the tumor. For drafting one proper pattern for cancer record in our country, we propose to use the national system of the cancer record of England which is the highest and the most general system in the world and had acquired the golden standard of the quality of the cancer's data in the international level.

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Type of Study: Research |
Received: 2008/11/3 | Published: 2004/01/15

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