Volume 16, Issue 52 (7-2013)                   jha 2013, 16(52): 86-94 | Back to browse issues page

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Ebrahimian A, Fakhremovahedi A, Hossain saeidi M. Peer-Centered Retraining Management of the Nurses in Intensive Care Units . jha 2013; 16 (52) :86-94
URL: http://jha.iums.ac.ir/article-1-1300-en.html
1- Semnan University of Medical Sciences
2- Semnan University of Medical Sciences , alimovi@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (7608 Views)

    Introduction: Retraining programs for nurses are usually run as workshops and group discussions causing challenges as limitations on the number of participants, long lasting duration and high costs. Since most of these programs are taught by instructors working outside of clinical setting , it is necessary to use a method to train large groups of nurses in a short time. The purpose of t his study was to determine the effects of lecture-based training delivered by the peer nurse on the EKG interpretation knowledge of critical care nurses .

  Methods: In this experimental study, two out of seven intensive care units of Semnan University of Medical Sciences were randomly selected as the experimental and control groups with 11 nurses each. Data collection on nurses’ knowledge about electrocardiogram (ECG) interpretation in the experimental and control groups was done through a questionnaire containing 25 questions . Then, one of the nurses in the experimental group who obtained an acceptable score was selected and was considered as a lecturer in the same group after receiving additional training on interpreting ECG. She taught ECG interpretation principles to nurses in one session. After one week, nurses’ knowledge on ECG interpretation in two groups was measured. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics.

  Results: Significant difference was observed in the total scores and areas of ECG interpretation between pre and post test in the experimental group (P< 0.01). A significant difference was also found in the mean of changes of mean scores in total scores and areas of ECG interpretation in the same group (P< 0.01).

  Conclusion: Lecture-based training delivered by a colleague can be considered as a cost effective and efficient method for ECG interpretation education therefore, it is suggested that health care managers concentrate on empowering their personnel and invite them to teach in retraining programs.

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Type of Study: Research |
Received: 2013/04/17 | Accepted: 2013/11/19 | Published: 2013/11/19

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