Volume 12, Issue 36 (7-2009)                   jha 2009, 12(36): 25-32 | Back to browse issues page

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Tabibi S, Maleki M, Movahednia S, Gohari M. Relationship between Hospitals Ownership and Performance Assessment Score of Emergency Departments in the Hospitals Affiliated to Iran University of Medical Sciences 2007 . jha 2009; 12 (36) :25-32
URL: http://jha.iums.ac.ir/article-1-428-en.html
Abstract:   (11115 Views)

Introduction: The assessment of healthcare and hospital services is a difficult, critical and multidimen- sional task, due to its complex nature, variable activities and interactions with multiple issues affected by economic, political and social restrictions. That is to say, hospital assessment must be done by attending of several issues and without any bias. This research was aimed to determine relationship between hospital ownership and performance assessment score of emergency department according to human resource indices, ethical values, structural issues, medical and non-medical equipments and quality indices. 

Methods: This research is a descriptive, cross-sectional and applied study. Its population includes all of 51 public and private general hospitals covered by Iran University of Medical Science (IUMS). Documentations and minutes recorded on Accreditation and Assessment Center of Medical in IUMS and also in Healthcare Ministry in the year 2007 are the data sources arranged by a designed form for gathering data. Data are processed by SPSS software and analyzed using independent t-tests.

Results: There isn’t any meaningful relation between hospital ownership and scores allocated, to ED human resource, ethical values, medical and non-medical equipments, medicals and consumption goods and quality indices in IUMS general hospitals(Pv=0.028). But we found a meaningful relation between hospital ownership and structural issues in this general hospital’s ED.

Conclusion: There are no differences between governmental and private hospitals according to docu- mented scores in 1386. So, it can point to an unbiased assessment by experts, and also adhering of scientific procedures in hospital assessment.

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Type of Study: Research |
Received: 2009/10/4 | Published: 2009/07/15

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