Volume 11, Issue 32 (7-2008)                   jha 2008, 11(32): 63-71 | Back to browse issues page

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Hadian M, Haghani H, Yosefzade H. Estimation and comparison of the productivity of the branches of Tehran Social Security Organization: 2000-2004 . jha 2008; 11 (32) :63-71
URL: http://jha.iums.ac.ir/article-1-184-en.html
Abstract:   (11060 Views)

Introduction: Social Security Organization is known as the biggest insurance organization, with coverage 28 millions of countryُ s population and 34 thousands personnel with wide spread realms of insurance, remedy, investment, … is important and key subject in economical and social structure of country therefore increasing productivity this organization include society of public benefits.

Methods:This study estimate labour, capital and total productivity of the branches of Tehran Social Security Organization by Indexes, Data Envelopment Analysis and Production Function methods, in 2004-2004. We used panel data and input-oriented form for estimation of mentioned methods. The dependent variable is the number of insured, the explanatory variables are the number of personnel and capital costs. Data obtained from center of statistics organization.

Results: Findings showed that the mean of total productivity variation was 1.021. Since it's higher than one, so the productivity had been improved. Also the results of Indexes, Data Envelopment Analysis and Production Function methods are the same and are due to the effectiveness of total productivity variations from technological changes. Managerial and scale efficiency changes stand in next orders.

Conclusion: Productivity improvement of production factor can be reduced organizationُ s expenditures. Finally, it is recommended that the impression of some factors such as the quality of services and satisfaction of insured on the mentioned branches productivity should be considered.

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Type of Study: Research |
Received: 2008/11/5 | Published: 2008/07/15

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