Introduction: Understanding the hospital costs associated with COVID-19 and their impact on different populations helps develop a comprehensive approach to hospital preparedness, decision-making, and risk management. This study aimed to analyze the costs and identify factors associated with the direct treatment costs of hospitalized COVID-19 patients in a military hospital in Tehran.
Methods: This cross-sectional, descriptive-analytical economic evaluation study was conducted from February 20, 2020, to November 19, 2021, using a census of 28,997 hospitalized COVID-19 patients in a military hospital. Data analysis was performed using SPSS 26 and STATA 17 software, employing ordinary least squares regression and logistic regression.
Results: The total direct medical costs of treating the patients were 3,510,832,085,964 IRR (Iranian Rial), and the average treatment cost per patient was 121,049,964 IRR. Age, length of stay, place of residence, and comorbidities were significantly associated with treatment costs. The results showed that increasing age, length of stay, and the presence of other diseases had a significant positive correlation with treatment costs.
Conclusion: To reduce patient costs, healthcare policymakers should improve insurance coverage, hotel services, and pharmaceutical provision, and promote a culture of seeking medical care earlier. Other important measures include outpatient treatment instead of hospitalization, telehealth follow-up, reducing hospital length of stay, prioritizing the elderly in preventive programs such as screening and vaccination, and providing greater insurance support for COVID-19 patients with comorbidities and specific conditions