Volume 7, Issue 17 (10-2004)                   jha 2004, 7(17): 27-36 | Back to browse issues page

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Barati A, Khalilnezhad R. Hospital Performance Measuring. jha 2004; 7 (17) :27-36
URL: http://jha.iums.ac.ir/article-1-83-en.html
Abstract:   (11361 Views)

Introduction: The core requirement of successful and innovative organizations is doing right things and doing things right. Nowadays organizations are to perform excellently strategically and operationally so that they can face the current and future world challenges. Performance measurement is one of the ways in directing organization to the right targets and avoid diversity in practices. The effective performance measurement will result in accountability and responsiveness, thus making it possible to maximize the utilization of limited available resources. In this paper some of the dimensions and frameworks for performance measurement are presented and reviewed. Then a conceptual framework has been recommended for determining performance dimensions and indicators.

Methods: In this paper after reviewing a brief history of performance measurement, and the characteristics of traditional models of performance measurement, including BSC and model in hospitals founded by National Health System, and Canadian hositals and RDF model of Montreal University, a model used on Denmark, quality indicator rojects in U.S, and the framework were studied.

Literature Review: Following a brief history at performance measurement, and performance measurement frame works and models at performance in health core settings and hospital including Base model in hospitals founded by national health system, Canadian hospitals and RDF model, of Montreal university, a model used in Denmark, Quality indicator, projects in U.S, and the from work for the evaluation at NHS performance and the performance dimensions in each frame work were studied.

Result: Reviewing models and frameworks based on the available foundations indicate that each of them has strengths and weaknesses. One of the reasons is the multiplicity of hospital functions and health policies. Yet in measuring hospital performance non of the functional areas should be ignored. There fore when reviewing the internal affairs of the hospitals, organizational, and theoretic specifications of hospitals should be fully understood to have a comprehensive analyses of the hospital performance. At the end of the study a conceptual frame work is presented on the account of patient centered strategies of hospitable whishes necessitate data measurement, performance processes, organizal structure, and most important organization results, so that we can come up with a lanead and complete view of a hospital performance.

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Type of Study: Research |
Received: 2008/08/10 | Published: 2004/10/15

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