Volume 12, Issue 35 (4-2009)                   jha 2009, 12(35): 9-16 | Back to browse issues page

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Hajavi A, Shojaei Baghini M, Haghani H, Azizi A. Crisis Management in Medical Records Department in Kerman and Borujerd Teaching Hospitals 2006 (Providing Model) . jha 2009; 12 (35) :9-16
URL: http://jha.iums.ac.ir/article-1-369-en.html
Abstract:   (16564 Views)

Introduction: Disaster medicine and crisis management can reduce the effects and hazards of disasters. In addition to, new technologies health information management which enters, collects, saves, retrieves and analyzes necessary information and makes it accessible to managers and planners. To review crisis management in medical record in teaching hospitals in Kerman Province and Brujerd city and providing a model for Iran.

Methods: This is a descriptive cross-sectional study conducted in the year 2006. The research population included the medical record staffs working at teaching hospitals affiliated to Kerman University of Medical Sciences and hospitals in Borujerd. Two questionnaires (Administrators/ personnel) were used for data collection. Data collection was made through field study. Data analyzed using descriptive statistics method. With Delphi systems, the recommended model was put into practice in one phase, and eventually after the analysis of the test results, the final model for crisis management in medical record was presented.

 Results: The crisis management in medical record departments was weak. In addition the personnel awareness concerning crisis management in medical record departments was 55.37%. The structure of the suggested model was in accordance with the standards of USA (AHIMA/HIMSS), and the points of views of the research population.

 Conclusion: Some steps should be taken to hold periodic training courses, to plan and to equip medical record departments. The structure of the suggested model for crisis management in medical record departments is provided in 6 axes.

Full-Text [PDF 156 kb]   (7330 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research |
Received: 2009/06/29 | Published: 2009/04/15

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