Abstract: (12466 Views)
Introduction: One of the most important challenges of our time is the need to have a system of disaster
management to confront the natural and man made disasters. In order to set in place such a system in a country,
there is an essential necessity to design a special organizational structure in the areas of disaster management.
The main objective of this study was to design a structural model for disaster management in Iran.
Methods: This is a comparative study with an applied proposed model. In planning this structure of disaster
management, the study is based on institutional structures of United Stats of America, Japan, Australia, India,
Turkey and Indonesia in comparison with Iran. The information used in this study has been researched both from
first hand scientific and bibliographical sources mainly from foreign sources like books, scientific magazines,
official reports which have been obtained directly from databases in the related countries and domestic printed
and official published documents. In planning the structural research model, the original model was based on
comparative studies and situational analysis of related countries. This model was conceived using Delphi
scientific technique and put for scrutiny by 30 of scientific scholars and professionals in the field of disaster
management and then the final model was proposed.
Results: The results of studies in selected countries showed that: developed countries have an organizational
structure for disaster management that is able to respond to natural and man made disasters in one centralized
command structure with a structural pattern that enjoys a high degree of centralized complexity and formal
structure. Meantime the results in most countries studied showed that the structure of disaster management is in
the form of exclusive independent organization under the countries highest executive's authorities. Most
countries attention to the whole system of organizing disaster management is focused on process of mitigation,
forecasting, preparedness, response and recovery. The pattern designed in this study was also prepared based on
the findings of this study's conclusion , like considering basic plan a centralized unique organization for natural
and man made disasters a high level council in macro level and other levels with a need to categorize the delivery
services in accordance with the conditions of Iran was proposed.
Conclusion: Paying attention to Iran's vastness variety of disasters and its degree of strength necessity of
existence of a prevailing plan, a need for a new organizational structure is felt as one of the countries' essential
needs in the field of disaster management. Use of a suitable and deserving structural model will lead to increase
economic advantage, reduction of beurocratic barriers and speeding up disaster management related activities.
Type of Study:
Research |
Received: 2009/05/2 | Published: 2008/10/15