Volume 2, Issue 5 (1-2000)                   jha 2000, 2(5): 1-33 | Back to browse issues page

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Tabibi S. Analysis and evaluation of performance of healthcare systems in terms of their efficiency during two national development plans in Islamic Republic of Iran. jha 2000; 2 (5) :1-33
URL: http://jha.iums.ac.ir/article-1-225-en.html
Abstract:   (11966 Views)
Ahead of 21th century, developing and development is presented as the most significant, comprehensive and challenging matter internationally. So, in order to achieve these developments, we have to execute purposeful and comprehensive programs and it is the analyses of these programs that will determine the originality, comprehensiveness and fulfillment of supreme development purposes. From an idealized view, the present study aims to not only determine a way that will show particularly the exclusive and excellent position of health in the framework of development, but this way to be counted practically as an effort in prompt fulfillment of social justice. On the other hand, this study generally aims to evaluate the efficiency of performance of healthcare systems during first and second development plans and to assess the amount of compatibility of the performance with the development objectives and indices. Therefore, in a descriptive-analytical study, we retrospectively and historically investigate all topics on the development in general and in healthcare area in particular and then compare them with the purposes and performances of healthcare systems presented in the framework of first and second plans. The results show that a large amount of purposes are not fulfilled in first plan in the field of health indices. About the treatment indices, the cases related to the construction of hospital installations, are completely compatible with plan purposes or have surpassed them and the indices related to the efficacy of sectors and human resources, did not achieve the purposes however, "reduction in average number of days hospitalized" and "the ratio of dentists to 100000 populations" indices did. So, it seems that some indices are fulfilled but not the others. Health indices are promoted in second plan so that most of these indices are surpassed their purposes till the end of 1997 and were fully efficient. It can be observed in treatment indices that all indices but "coefficient of occupied beds" have surpassed their purposes and were fully efficient. Some other results of this study were: the incomplete implementation of the strategy of health priority to treatment, incomplete fulfillment of quality objectives in first and second plans, and incomplete compatibility of actions implemented with principles and concepts of development. Hence, in the time of preparation of the third national development plan, the results of this research can present a comprehensive view and a clear direction to the authorities involved.
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Type of Study: Research |
Received: 2008/11/12 | Published: 2000/01/15

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