Abstract: (9661 Views)
This research deals with patient satisfaction (P.S), cost of bed day (CB.D) and average lenght of stay (AL.O.S) among CCUs of general hospitals of Tehran, 1998-99.
This cross-sectional descriptive analytic research was performed in CCUs of general hospitals of Tehran, with eight CCU beds or more. A questionnaire was used for data collection.
There were no significant differences between the private and public sectors in terms of AL.O.S., P.S., number of heart specialists, turn-over rate and mortality rates. However, a significant difference was observed in causes of admission and health insurance. Furthermore, the CB.D. and nursing care hours in public hospitals were lower and higher than the private ones, respectively. There was a positive but not strong correlation between patients satisfaction and number of heart specialists. Average CB.D. was estimated 290,100 Rls. in Tehran, which was influenced by hospital's ownerShip, nursing care hours per bed and the disease. It was indicated that AL.O.S. was influenced by the disease. Moreover, every ten years of higher age added 0.4
P.S was influenced by the number of heart specialists. CB.D., was in proportion with nursing care hours, ownership of hospital and the disease type. Moreover, AL.O.S. was influenced by patient characteristics (age) and the disease type.
Type of Study:
Research |
Received: 2008/11/10 | Published: 2001/10/15