Volume 12, Issue 35 (4-2009)                   jha 2009, 12(35): 71-81 | Back to browse issues page

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Abstract:   (10499 Views)

Introduction: The pattern of health services delivery across the world changes from a spectrum of pure public to pure private sector. The failure of pure private sector, as well as pure public sector, brought experts to recommend alternative approaches such as New Public Management theory as a third-way. This article was aimed to present the results of reform in East Azerbaijan Province on the delivery of Primary Health Care: the established of some non-public primary health centres for the first time in the country.

Methods: In this quasi-experimental study, all non-public health centres were compared with a similar group of public health centres in the same region. Results: This study showed that the use of non-public sector based on contract with public sector has changed the efficiency of primary health care delivery so that the health authority in the region was successful to reduce government expenditure to one-third through buying the services from the non-public sector compared with the delivery of services by its own health facilities. Given the current situation of Iran’s health care sector, particularly the reform called Rural Health Insurance and Family Medicine, the use of such successful achievements recommend. Conclusion: Non- governmental sector contracted foe public sector compared with similar units in governmental sector, could provide a health service package with using less resources and more productivity under government supervision. Considering pure private sector failure in providing health services and failure public sector to supply healthcares we suggest involvement private sec- tor as a third party in healthcare market to improve better use of scarce heath resources for national heath expansion.

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Type of Study: Research |
Received: 2009/06/29 | Published: 2009/04/15

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