Volume 10, Issue 28 (7-2007)                   jha 2007, 10(28): 15-24 | Back to browse issues page

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Abstract:   (15468 Views)

Introduction: Health information systems have designed in order to manage health information fluency for improving healthcare quality. It is necessary to conduct continues evaluations to do epidemiologic researches and manage health information systems, enhance quality and decrease costs. Unfortunately there isn’t a framework for that foeus on the measurement methods and indicators in our country.Objective of this research is defining steps, study design methods, data sources and indicators of health information systems evaluation.

Methods: This research was cross sectional-description and conducted in 2004. At first studies books in library, and searched on internet to find related information. After that then we categorized developed indicators by Canada and England according their importance. Thereafter we sent a 20 keys questions questionnaire to review for 30 peer reviewers. Although the Questionnaires gived to 35 persons, but it full by 28. These persons were teaching staff in universities and specialists in health information systems. Selected indicators as the most important indictors were which over75% sight selected them high and very high degree. After gathering questionnaire, results analyze by SPSS. Results: There are six steps to evaluate health information system. They include Agree why an evaluation is needed,? Agree when to evaluate? Agree what to evaluate, Agree how to evaluate? analyze and report,?Assess recommendations and decide on actions. there were 13 study designs for health information systems evaluation. finaly indicators provided in three contexts. accountability, performance enhancement and knowledge development.

Conclusion: It is necessary to consider human aspects and knowledge development more over economics and financial aspects.conducted evaluation of health information system is based on the accountability that conducted with randomized Controlled trial and qualitative the best evaluation is conducted when use some evaluation methods with considering these indicators.

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Type of Study: Research |
Received: 2008/05/10 | Published: 2007/07/15

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